Do you have a DSLR camera gathering dust because you don't know how to use it? You have the vision, you point, you shoot but... the image just isn't how you pictured it...
It's time to learn how to shoot in manual mode and take amazing photos. Join our workshop where we will help you get to grips with your camera!
Over the course of this 3-hour workshop you will learn how to:
✨ expose your photos correctly ✨ get a blurred background/bokeh effect ✨ capture and play with movement ✨ shoot in natural light ✨ thoughtfully compose your image ✨ and just take better photos!
We are two professional photographers with a combined 10+ years of experience (on IG @shotbyclairep + @vcfshots), and we would love to meet you and share our tips with you!
To register email, or fill in your details below:
Thank you!